Irish Examiner
Hatched chicks boost hopes for revival of sea eagles
Irish Examiner
A programme to reintroduce white-tailed sea eagles to Ireland has made a significant breakthrough, with chicks being hatched across four counties. Eight pairs of eagles have this year nested and laid eggs, with five nests being producing in counties Cork, ...
White-tailed eagle chicks hatch in five nestsIrish Times
White-tailed eagles successfully hatch chicks across the countryAgriland
Rare white-tailed eagle chicks hatched in four Irish countiesYahoo News UK
all 5 news articles »
Irish Examiner
A programme to reintroduce white-tailed sea eagles to Ireland has made a significant breakthrough, with chicks being hatched across four counties. Eight pairs of eagles have this year nested and laid eggs, with five nests being producing in counties Cork, ...
White-tailed eagle chicks hatch in five nests
White-tailed eagles successfully hatch chicks across the country
Rare white-tailed eagle chicks hatched in four Irish counties
Irish Times
Irish vessel deployed to map seabed off Newfoundland
Irish Times
Irish marine research vessel RV Celtic Explorer has been deployed from Newfoundland to map the seafloor between Canada and Ireland under a new European, Canadian and US research alliance. The survey will focus on an area known as the “great circle ...
Nations join in first trans-Atlantic mapping
all 2 news articles »
Irish Times
Irish marine research vessel RV Celtic Explorer has been deployed from Newfoundland to map the seafloor between Canada and Ireland under a new European, Canadian and US research alliance. The survey will focus on an area known as the “great circle ...
Nations join in first trans-Atlantic mapping survey
The Independent
Litter of wolf pups 'first' of its kind to be born in UK
The Independent
A litter of wolf pups in Devon are believed to be the first of their kind to be born in the UK. The seven Hudson Bay Wolf pups were born to mother Naira and father Maska and are the newest edition delighting crowds at a Devon wildlife park. The healthy pups ...
These tiny newborn wolf pups are the first to be born in the UKIrish Examiner
First UK litter of rare Hudson Bay wolf pups born in DevonBBC News
These Adorable Ultra-Rare Wolf Pups Are The First Ever Born In BritainYahoo News UK
Western Daily Press
all 10 news articles »
The Independent
A litter of wolf pups in Devon are believed to be the first of their kind to be born in the UK. The seven Hudson Bay Wolf pups were born to mother Naira and father Maska and are the newest edition delighting crowds at a Devon wildlife park. The healthy pups ...
These tiny newborn wolf pups are the first to be born in the UK
First UK litter of rare Hudson Bay wolf pups born in Devon
These Adorable Ultra-Rare Wolf Pups Are The First Ever Born In Britain
BBC News
Large Hadron Collider to turn on 'data tap'
BBC News
The Large Hadron Collider is about to pave the way to a new era in physics. Scientists are waiting for the first new data to start flowing from the underground particle smasher, as the LHC begins its first "physics collisions" in two years. The vast machine will ...
Hadron Collider set to deliver dataYahoo News UK
Large Hadron Collider Is Ready to Kick Particle Physics into High
CERN's Large Hadron Collider to resume smashing particles in hunt for dark ...Reuters
Irish Times
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BBC News
The Large Hadron Collider is about to pave the way to a new era in physics. Scientists are waiting for the first new data to start flowing from the underground particle smasher, as the LHC begins its first "physics collisions" in two years. The vast machine will ...
Hadron Collider set to deliver data
Large Hadron Collider Is Ready to Kick Particle Physics into High Gear
CERN's Large Hadron Collider to resume smashing particles in hunt for dark ...
Gazette Review
No One Knows Why a Hundred Thousand Endangered Antelopes Suddenly ...
Nearly half of the world's population of a rare, central Asian antelope died in late May. And even the scientists and conservationists most interested in the animals are left scratching their heads as to why the deaths swept across central Kazakhstan so swiftly ...
Death on the steppes: Mystery disease kills SaigasTimes of India
Mystery disease claims half of endangered antelope populationRedOrbit
Russia suspects pasteurellosis as cause of saiga die off in KazakhstanTengrinews
Bend Bulletin
International Business Times AU
all 10 news articles »
Nearly half of the world's population of a rare, central Asian antelope died in late May. And even the scientists and conservationists most interested in the animals are left scratching their heads as to why the deaths swept across central Kazakhstan so swiftly ...
Death on the steppes: Mystery disease kills Saigas
Mystery disease claims half of endangered antelope population
Russia suspects pasteurellosis as cause of saiga die off in Kazakhstan
Sydney Morning Herald
Research troll reveals weight loss chocolate study was a prank
Sydney Morning Herald
Earlier in the year the world was finally treated to some good news from science: a report was published that claimed to show that eating chocolate could help you lose weight faster. Although it all seemed too good to be true, the story was reported in news ...
Chocolate weight-loss study was a fake, research troll
Bitter taste of the chocolate 'study'The Globe and Mail
Opinion: Too many people bite into reports that chocolate is good for youMontreal Gazette
The Conversation AU
Independent Online
The Daily Meal
all 19 news articles »
Sydney Morning Herald
Earlier in the year the world was finally treated to some good news from science: a report was published that claimed to show that eating chocolate could help you lose weight faster. Although it all seemed too good to be true, the story was reported in news ...
Chocolate weight-loss study was a fake, research troll reveals
Bitter taste of the chocolate 'study'
Opinion: Too many people bite into reports that chocolate is good for you
The Indian Express
UK's oldest Sauropod dinosaur identified
Economic Times
Scientists have revealed that a prehistoric 15 kg vertebra has been found to belong to the oldest sauropod [long-necked, long tailed, tiny-headed] dinosaur ever discovered in the UK. "Alan", the 176 million year-old dinosaur, has beaten the cetiosaurus, ...
What would Jurassic Park look like if they just used British dinosaurs?Irish Examiner
UK's oldest sauropod fossil confirmedBBC News
Britain's Oldest Vegetarian Dinosaur FoundNDTV
Daily Mail
all 51 news articles »
Economic Times
Scientists have revealed that a prehistoric 15 kg vertebra has been found to belong to the oldest sauropod [long-necked, long tailed, tiny-headed] dinosaur ever discovered in the UK. "Alan", the 176 million year-old dinosaur, has beaten the cetiosaurus, ...
What would Jurassic Park look like if they just used British dinosaurs?
UK's oldest sauropod fossil confirmed
Britain's Oldest Vegetarian Dinosaur Found
Irish Mirror
Meet the sex-mad marsupial which literally kills itself making love
Irish Mirror
The rare antechinus loves nookie so much it doesn't eat or sleep for a fortnight - often dying from exhaustion as a result. Recent findings reportedly suggest the animal's love fest is an attempt by each male to spread their genes as widely as possible. But the ...
and more »
Irish Mirror
The rare antechinus loves nookie so much it doesn't eat or sleep for a fortnight - often dying from exhaustion as a result. Recent findings reportedly suggest the animal's love fest is an attempt by each male to spread their genes as widely as possible. But the ...
NASA's 'flying saucer' Mars lander ready for test
Flying saucers from other planets might not be real, but that doesn't mean they can't inspire modern space-flight designs. NASA plans to test its flying-saucer technology Wednesday with the launch of a high-altitude balloon carrying the space agency's Low ...
NASA to broadcast live video from 'flying saucer' flight on WednesdayRT
High Pacific Waves Keep NASA's Flying Saucer Grounded in
NASA to test supersonic parachutes in flying saucer launchBusiness Standard
Empire State Tribune
all 123 news articles »
Flying saucers from other planets might not be real, but that doesn't mean they can't inspire modern space-flight designs. NASA plans to test its flying-saucer technology Wednesday with the launch of a high-altitude balloon carrying the space agency's Low ...
NASA to broadcast live video from 'flying saucer' flight on Wednesday
High Pacific Waves Keep NASA's Flying Saucer Grounded in Hawaii
NASA to test supersonic parachutes in flying saucer launch
MUST SEE: Bright Space Station passes overhead tonight
The International Space Station (ISS) will make a pass across Northern Ohio's night sky tonight. And, it's not one to be missed. This is one of the brightest passes of the summer, and we should be in a great spot to see it! DOWNLOAD: newsnet5 app for Apple ...
Canada Sending Two Astronauts to Space in Next 10 YearsKamloopsBCNow
International Space Station to pass over SWLA Tuesday night and Wednesday ...KPLC-TV
all 67 news articles »
The International Space Station (ISS) will make a pass across Northern Ohio's night sky tonight. And, it's not one to be missed. This is one of the brightest passes of the summer, and we should be in a great spot to see it! DOWNLOAD: newsnet5 app for Apple ...
Canada Sending Two Astronauts to Space in Next 10 Years
International Space Station to pass over SWLA Tuesday night and Wednesday ...