Irish Independent
Farmers, middle-aged targeted in five-year suicide prevention plan
Irish Independent
People who may be working in isolation such as farmers and vets are among the groups shortlisted to be specially targeted in a new five-year suicide prevention strategy. Ads by Google. Share. Facebook · Twitter · Google · Email. Go To. Comments. The new ...
Suicide risk spikes after hospital: (blog)
'Our happiness is being destroyed by cyberbullying'Irish Examiner
Youth survey indicates county's teens at risk for depression, suicideMy Edmonds News
Bundaberg News Mail
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Irish Independent
People who may be working in isolation such as farmers and vets are among the groups shortlisted to be specially targeted in a new five-year suicide prevention strategy. Ads by Google. Share. Facebook · Twitter · Google · Email. Go To. Comments. The new ...
Suicide risk spikes after hospital: report
'Our happiness is being destroyed by cyberbullying'
Youth survey indicates county's teens at risk for depression, suicide
Irish Examiner
SPECIAL REPORT: The increase of dementia in Ireland (VIDEO)
Irish Examiner
Experts examine the issue of dementia in Ireland, and two people share their personal experiences with the condition. Dementia tsunami looms. by Catherine Shanahan. READ NEXT: Erin Brockovich offers to help families with Berkeley case. Ireland must ...
'Virtual dementia tour' gives perspectiveBeloit Daily News
How the Alzheimer's Society attracted big businessesThird Sector
all 5 news articles »
Irish Examiner
Experts examine the issue of dementia in Ireland, and two people share their personal experiences with the condition. Dementia tsunami looms. by Catherine Shanahan. READ NEXT: Erin Brockovich offers to help families with Berkeley case. Ireland must ...
'Virtual dementia tour' gives perspective
How the Alzheimer's Society attracted big businesses
Irish Independent
Leo's health 'bootcamp' for public staff
Irish Independent
Canteens offering public sector workers chocolate cake and chips, while absenteeism is running at well over 3pc in some Government departments, will put Health Minister Leo Varadkar's new "bootcamp" for public service workers to the challenge.
'Building blocks' in place for universal healthcare, says VaradkarIrish Times
Debate Room: Are keep fit schemes in work a great idea or majorly intrusive?Yahoo News UK
Drive for healthy public sector work practicesIrish Examiner
Irish Health
all 20 news articles »
Irish Independent
Canteens offering public sector workers chocolate cake and chips, while absenteeism is running at well over 3pc in some Government departments, will put Health Minister Leo Varadkar's new "bootcamp" for public service workers to the challenge.
'Building blocks' in place for universal healthcare, says Varadkar
Debate Room: Are keep fit schemes in work a great idea or majorly intrusive?
Drive for healthy public sector work practices
Irish Medical Times
Tackling the scourge of addictions
Irish Medical Times
The IMO has called for an end to the indifference to the damage being done by the scourge of alcohol, drugs and gambling addictions, proposing some wide-ranging proposals across a number of areas, writes Lloyd Mudiwa. While most news reports ...
The price of alcoholIrish Times
Alcohol sponsorship of sports should be bannedIrish Health
all 3 news articles »
Irish Medical Times
The IMO has called for an end to the indifference to the damage being done by the scourge of alcohol, drugs and gambling addictions, proposing some wide-ranging proposals across a number of areas, writes Lloyd Mudiwa. While most news reports ...
The price of alcohol
Alcohol sponsorship of sports should be banned
Why is this baby in a giant tube?
Far from some type of torture contraption, this giant tube is to help young ones. The photo is intriguing - why is an adorable baby jammed into what seems to be a giant test tube? The answer is simple: the bub is getting an x-ray in a paediatric immobiliser ...
People Are Freaking Out Over This Photo of a Baby in a Tube — But Here's Why ...Life & Style Weekly
Here's why this baby photo confused and delighted the entire internetThe42
The viral photo of a baby in a tube was taken for an incredible reasonCosmopolitan UK
The Inquisitr
all 10 news articles »
Far from some type of torture contraption, this giant tube is to help young ones. The photo is intriguing - why is an adorable baby jammed into what seems to be a giant test tube? The answer is simple: the bub is getting an x-ray in a paediatric immobiliser ...
People Are Freaking Out Over This Photo of a Baby in a Tube — But Here's Why ...
Here's why this baby photo confused and delighted the entire internet
The viral photo of a baby in a tube was taken for an incredible reason
Scottish Daily Record
Would this make you use a condom? Giant penis sprays golden confetti with a ...
Scottish Daily Record
Would this make you use a condom? Giant penis sprays golden confetti with a bang on passers-by. 16:25, 24 June 2015; By Henrik Brandt. THIS video is meant to spread information about STDs and encourage the use of condoms. Share; Share; Tweet; +1 ...
Charity Sparks Controversy After Using Giant Penis To Warn About STI
Outrage as giant penis creeps up on people and sprays them for safe sex ...Irish Mirror
Norway Sex Ed Charity Uses Giant Penis To Make A Point [Video]The Inquisitr
all 6 news articles »
Scottish Daily Record
Would this make you use a condom? Giant penis sprays golden confetti with a bang on passers-by. 16:25, 24 June 2015; By Henrik Brandt. THIS video is meant to spread information about STDs and encourage the use of condoms. Share; Share; Tweet; +1 ...
Charity Sparks Controversy After Using Giant Penis To Warn About STI Risk
Outrage as giant penis creeps up on people and sprays them for safe sex ...
Norway Sex Ed Charity Uses Giant Penis To Make A Point [Video]
Yahoo News UK
The extra cost of living with a disability in Ireland is over €10000
Yahoo News UK
An independent commission has called for disabled consumers to be 'bold and loud' in exercising their spending power. The UK-based Extra Costs Commission (ECC), launched by Disability charity Scope, has today published its findings into the expenses ...
Disabled people 'should be bold' to get better dealsThis Is Wiltshire
all 4 news articles »
Yahoo News UK
An independent commission has called for disabled consumers to be 'bold and loud' in exercising their spending power. The UK-based Extra Costs Commission (ECC), launched by Disability charity Scope, has today published its findings into the expenses ...
Disabled people 'should be bold' to get better deals
Psychotic patients in Beaumont being left on trolleys for days
A GOVERNMENT minister is seeking a meeting with Beaumont Hospital chiefs after it emerged that patients suffering acute psychiatric illness are having to endure days on trolleys in its overcrowded Emergency Department (ED). The escalating crisis led to a ...
Chaos in hospital as psychiatric patients left in A&E for three daysIrish Independent
all 5 news articles »
A GOVERNMENT minister is seeking a meeting with Beaumont Hospital chiefs after it emerged that patients suffering acute psychiatric illness are having to endure days on trolleys in its overcrowded Emergency Department (ED). The escalating crisis led to a ...
Chaos in hospital as psychiatric patients left in A&E for three days
Irish Medical Times
TCD study notes savings from early palliative care
Irish Medical Times
Researchers at Trinity College Dublin and Mount Sinai in New York have published new research, which for the first time provides strong evidence on the economic benefits of early palliative care intervention for people with an advanced cancer diagnosis.
Earlier attention to quality of life reduces hospital costs for advanced cancer ...Oncology Nurse Advisor
all 2 news articles »
Irish Medical Times
Researchers at Trinity College Dublin and Mount Sinai in New York have published new research, which for the first time provides strong evidence on the economic benefits of early palliative care intervention for people with an advanced cancer diagnosis.
Earlier attention to quality of life reduces hospital costs for advanced cancer ...
ABC15 Arizona
Amazing Lash Studio and lash extensions
ABC15 Arizona
Eyelash Extensions are synthetic strands that are made to replicate a natural eyelash. When applied, eyelash extensions lengthen and thicken your own natural eyelashes. Single strands are applied to each individual eyelash, one by one. With proper ...
Who Knew Getting Eyelash Extensions Could Be So Personal?StyleCaster
Eye up new lash
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ABC15 Arizona
Eyelash Extensions are synthetic strands that are made to replicate a natural eyelash. When applied, eyelash extensions lengthen and thicken your own natural eyelashes. Single strands are applied to each individual eyelash, one by one. With proper ...
Who Knew Getting Eyelash Extensions Could Be So Personal?
Eye up new lash techniques