2015年1月27日 星期二

2015-01-28 Ireland Health

Irish Independent
Long waiting lists push health service down to 22nd in Europe   
Irish Independent
HEALTHCARE in Ireland has been ranked worse than in Estonia and Slovenia - dropping from 14th to 22nd place in a new league table. Ads by Google. Share. Facebook · Twitter · Google · Email. Go To. Comments. And the level of patient empowerment ...

European Health Consumer Index highlights lacking of credibility in HSE waiting ...   Irish Times
Timely access to healthcare a priority - HSE   RTE.ie
Big fall for Ireland in Euro health index   Irish Health
The Local.se   
European Pharmaceutical Review   
Malta Independent Online   
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Irish Examiner
Government called on to implement national sexual health plan   
Irish Examiner
The Irish Family Planning Association is calling on the government to implement a national sexual health programme. It has published data from an online STI testing service it runs in partnership with Lloyds Pharmacy. The service allows people to send ...

People from Dublin and Cork are more likely to look online to diagnose any ...   JOE
Let's talk about sexually transmitted infections   Irish Times

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Mullingar Hospital nurse on overcrowding: Health and safety just goes out the ...   
Irish Examiner
The General Secretary of the INMO, Liam Doran, says patients are suffering in silence in Mullingar Hospital. Mr Doran, who also said that staff there are overworked, has joined around 30 nurses and midwives at a demonstration at the facility this afternoon to ...

Nurses protesting outside Mullingar hospital today describe conditions as "horrific"   Westmeath Examiner
Public encouraged to attend protest at Mullingar hospital   Westmeath Independent
Patients suffering in silence, says INMO chief   Newstalk 106-108 fm
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Yahoo News UK
Galway the latest council to call for fluoride ban – despite what the science says   
Yahoo News UK
Galway city council has passed a motion calling on the government to ban the practice of fluoridation in Irish drinking water. The motion was passed at the council's meeting yesterday, gaining support across the political spectrum. Dublin City and Cork County ...

Council wants to end fluoride in tap water   Anglo Celt
Fluoride program supports students' dental health   UpperMichigansSource.com
AAP clarifies recommendations on fluoride use in primary care   AAP News (subscription)
Bradenton Herald   
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BBC News
Wells: 'We need a mature debate on healthcare'   
BBC News
Health Minister Jim Wells said "a mature debate" was needed in light of a review of the Northern Ireland health and social care service, on 27 January 2015. Mr Wells was delivering a statement on the study led by former chief medical officer of England, ...

Northern Ireland health service review: There's too many acute hospitals for ...   Belfast Telegraph
Health review says too many hospitals in Northern Ireland   RTE.ie
Northern Ireland's health care system "not fit for purpose", leading medic claims   Irish Mirror
Belfast Newsletter   
all 22 news articles »   

Irish Times
Soft drinks with high sugar content linked to breast cancer   
Irish Times
Girls who frequently consume soft drinks containing large quantities of sugar reach puberty more quickly and are more at risk of getting breast cancer later in life, according to a major study. The US study found that girls who drank more than 1.5 servings of ...

One and a half cans of fizzy drink a day raises breast cancer risk   Mirror.co.uk
Soft drinks may cause girls to start their periods early, scientists say   Metro

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Harnessing T Cells to Beat Lung Cancer   
Until recently, there wasn't much science could do for someone like Kaye Paterson. A social worker who lives outside Pittsburgh, Paterson first noticed a persistent cough in 2007. She was 27, had never smoked, and was otherwise in good health. “I never in a ...

Lung Cancer Awareness Month: 5 ways to Reduce the Risk   JOE

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Irish Examiner
Viral video star was suffering from mental health problems   
Irish Examiner
A London Tube commuter whose rendition of a Rihanna hit went viral in 2012 has revealed he was suffering from undiagnosed bipolar disorder at the time. 23-year-old youth worker Alika Agidi-Jeffs was filmed - without his knowledge - singing a Rihanna ...

London Underground commuter singing Rihanna in YouTube clip reveals ...   Evening Standard

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One drink-free day a week could reduce liver damage   
A new study claims that leaving alcohol alone just once a week can signifcantly reduce chances of cirrhosis. Previously, it had been thought that cirrhosis occurred because of the quantity of alcohol consumed, regardless of drinking patterns. But a new study ...

Daily Drinking May Raise Risk of Liver Cirrhosis, Study Warns   U.S. News & World Report
Daily alcohol consumption raises liver damage risk   TV3.ie
Daily drinking ups risk of alcoholic cirrhosis   Times of India
Daily Mail   
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Irish Times
HSE expected to advertise 200 consultant posts   
Irish Times
The Government is expected to advertise for about 200 hospital consultants following the decision by members of the Irish Medical Organisation (IMO)to back revised pay proposals. Under revised proposals which were drawn up by the Labour Relations ...

and more »   

