2015年1月25日 星期日

2015-01-26 Ireland Technology

Ford Mondeo Test Drive Review   
The Mondeo can shake-off its highly anticipated tag because here at last is the European version of the US's Ford Fusion revealed as long ago as the 2012 Detroit auto show. Having sampled the 2.0-litre TDCi diesel before Christmas, we've tried the ...

Home roads give a better steer on the new Mondeo   Irish Independent

all 3 news articles »   

The 25 most used online passwords in 2014   
That's why it looks like you're hiding sensitive government information every time you shield your keyboard whenever someone is close by. Others try super-speed typing so they don't look as suspicious, but that usually ends up in multiple attempts at entering ...

Some of the worst passwords of 2014   GeekSays
Revealed: 25 worst passwords of 2014 – is yours one of them?   Emirates 24/7
'123456' still most popular password but users waking up to cyber dangers – study   RT
Chicago Sun-Times   
Small Business News from Gaebler.com   
Clarence Valley Daily Examiner   
all 30 news articles »   

Watch seniors play Grand Theft Auto V for the first time   
"Oh man! Destruction Derby!" Seniors have fun stealing and wrecking cars, shooting random people and running from the police as they play Grand Theft Auto V in this Fine Brothers video. by Bonnie Burton · @bonniegrrl; January 24, 2015 11:43 AM PST.
Pre-order Bonuses Detailed for GTA V PC Version   Co-Optimus.com
Watch Senior Citizens Have A Hoot Playing Grand Theft Auto V For The First Time   Hot Hardware
Worth watching: 'Elders Play Grand Theft Auto V'   Gamespresso
Headlines & Global News   
Crave Online   
all 61 news articles »   

Emirates 24/7
How to become Microsoft 'insider' and download Windows 10 for free   
Emirates 24/7
The Redmond, Washington-based software major had announced the latest build (9926) and features of Windows 10 on Wednesday, including Cortana integration and game streaming from its Xbox One console. The most striking thing about the company's ...

Microsoft To Offer Free Upgrade From Windows 7/8 to Windows 10   The Fuse Joplin
Windows 10 Technical Preview Build 9926 hands on -- making good on earlier ...   BetaNews
7 new features of Windows 10 that you need to know   Pc-Tablet Media
all 74 news articles »   

Windows 10: Ambitious But Realistic   
PC Magazine
Windows 10 seems to be an incredibly ambitious operating system that is more realistic than you might have expected. As Microsoft unveiled the details of Windows 10 on Wednesday, I heard company executives explaining how it will work on a wide range of ...

New Tricks for an Aging Microsoft   Wall Street Journal
Quinn: An invigorated Microsoft could make Silicon Valley far better   National Review
Microsoft to lead the pack as tech companies report earnings   The Globe and Mail
The Next Digit   
all 303 news articles »   

The Register
Game over? Sony FINALLY offers compensation to MEELLIONS of PSN hack ...   
The Register
'Linus Torvalds is UNFIT for the WORKPLACE!' And you've given the world what, exactly? Nope. That's not our FAKE BOMB say Oz spooks and cops · Drinking to forget? OK. But first, eat a curry... QUICK! Wizard of Oz OFFICIALLY 'most significant movie' ...

Sony compensates players through PSN class action settlement   New York Daily News
Sony's Promised 10 Percent Discount Codes for PSN Outage Now Available   NDTV
Sony is giving away old games to settle its 2011 PlayStation Network breach   The Verge
Ubergizmo (blog)   
Hot Hardware   
all 221 news articles »   

Immortal News
Google's Project Zero Discloses Three OS X Yosemite Vulnerabilities With Proof ...   
Immortal News
Project Zero, Google's security team, unveiled the existence of three high severity security vulnerabilities contained within Apple's latest operating system, OS X Yosemite. CNET notes in a report that while the vulnerabilities all require access to a targeted Mac ...

Google's Project Zero finds, publishes 3 Apple OS X vulnerabilities   SMN Weekly
Apple facing the wrath of Google's Project Zero   India Today
Google Project Zero Team Finds Flaws In OS X Yosemite   Techaeris
PC Magazine   
all 61 news articles »   

The Inquisitr
'Fahrenheit' Or 'Indigo Prophecy' Remastered Edition Appears On Amazon   
The Inquisitr
A remastered edition of cult favorite Fahrenheit, also known as Indigo Prophecy in the United States, appears to be the real deal. Amazon, developer hints, and other information continue to stack up in favor of a remastered edition of Fahrenheit, the game that ...

Fahrenheit: Indigo Prophecy Remastered Announced   Power Up Gaming
Quantic Dream's Fahrenheit: Indigo Prophecy Remastered Leaked -- Report   GameSpot
Fahrenheit: Indigo Prophecy Remastered Listed for Release This Week   SegmentNext
Game Debate   
PC Gamer   
all 21 news articles »   

GTA 5: PC Release Date for Jan. 27 Delayed Until March   
(Photo : Rockstar Games ) "We assure you these few extra weeks will be worth it when the game does arrive in March," Rockstar said in an announcement on its official newswire. share on facebook. share on twitter. "Grand Theft Auto V" enthusiasts have ...

Grand Theft Auto V Pre-order Incentives Revealed for PC   BioGamer Girl Magazine
GTA 5 Online Heists QnA: San Francisco Casino Heist and DomisLive first GTA ...   International Business Times UK
GTA 5 – Buy the New GTA 5 All Over Again Right this Moment   The Fuse Joplin
JBG News   
Air Herald   
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