2015年11月3日 星期二

2015-11-04 Ireland Science

Irish Independent
T.rex and Allosaurus were mouthy monsters of the dinosaur world   
Irish Independent
You might not have said it to his face, but T.rex was a real big mouth, scientists have discovered. Share. Facebook · Twitter · Google · Email. Go To. Comments. New research shows that Hollywood depictions of Tyrannosaurus rex with terrifying gaping ...
It turns out T.rex really did have a huge mouth   Irish Examiner
Watch your mouth: Allosaurus had monstrously gaping jaws   Reuters
Dinosaur's jaws and muscles influenced their diet due to their 'gap angle'   Daily Mail

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Irish Mirror
Remains of entire FAMILY found inside perfectly-preserved 17th century tomb in ...   
Irish Mirror
A perfectly-preserved tomb from the 17th century containing the remains of an entire FAMILY has been discovered in the heart of a medieval cathedral. Archaeologists "accidentally" stumbled upon the 8ft-deep burial vault when they moved a ledger stone ...

Green light given for stunning plans of Gloucester Cathedral   Gloucester Citizen
Perfectly Preserved 17th Century Tomb With Remains Of Entire Family Discovered ...   Tech Times
Tomb full of coffins uncovered 'accidentally' in Gloucester Cathedral   RedOrbit
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Half the population of this endangered antelope has died off in a two-week period   
SCIENTISTS ARE STRUGGLING to explain why half of a particular species of antelope died off in a two-week period earlier this year. The adult saiga antelopes, most of which reside on the plains of Kazakhstan, saw a population drop of at least 150,000.
​Half the world's saiga antelopes died in two weeks. Now what?   CBS News
Half Of World's Rare Antelope Population Died Within Weeks   malaysiandigest.com
Half the world's saiga antelopes died in two weeks. Now what?   KTVQ Billings News
Scientific American (blog)   
all 14 news articles »   

Ocean Discovery Reveals Life in The Sea Predates Dinosaurs   
There is always something unusual in the sea, a phrase I have heard very often from marine scientists and which I have been known to utter myself. It comes to my mind time and again when I am preparing this fortnightly radio programme. From somewhere ...

and more »   

Irish Mirror
Chatty crows have their own 'water cooler conversations' as they share ...   
Irish Mirror
Crows may learn new skills from one another while 'chatting' over a meal - just like humans, suggests pioneering research. Scientists set out to understand how information might spread among groups of tool-using New Caledonian crows. The birds , which ...

Crows might meet up for big dinners to exchange cutlery tips   New Scientist

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NZ scientists saddle up for 350km Antarctic road trip   
New Zealand Herald
Antarctica NZ field training instructor Tom Arnold tests out a crevasse-detecting radar that will be used by a research expedition to a remote site on Antarctica's Ross Ice Shelf. Photo / Supplied. A bit of Kiwi ingenuity and an epic road trip will ...
No, NASA has not reversed itself on the dangerous melting of Antarctica   Mashable
Melting Antarctic ice close to triggering global catastrophe   Manila Bulletin
Study concludes Antarctica is gaining ice, rather than losing it   Ars Technica
Tech Times   
KTVQ Billings News   
VICE News   
all 99 news articles »   

The Guardian
It sucks to swim like a jellyfish, study of animal's movement suggests   
The Guardian
The jellyfish, which creates areas of low pressure in front of it, has one of the most energy-efficient swimming motions of any animal. Photograph: Andrey Nekrasov/Getty Images/Imagebroker RF. Agence France-Presse. Tuesday 3 November 2015 21.10 EST ...

Could humans swim quicker by imitating eels and jellyfish?   Telegraph.co.uk
In swimming, jellyfish and lampreys really pull their weight   Los Angeles Times
Jellyfish Use Surprising Technique to Swim Through the Ocean   Science World Report
Science Recorder   
I4U News   
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Scientists are having a huge fight over whether chimps have accents   
Scientists in the UK and the U.S. are fighting with each other over a controversial subject: do chimpanzees have accents? A study in the UK initially argued that chimps can adjust their grunts to communicate with new chimps, which they supposedly ...

A chimp with a Scottish accent? You cannae be serious, says new study   The Guardian
Scientific squabble: Do chimps pick up accents?   Science Recorder
Primatologists Erupt In Debate Over Chimpanzees Accent Study   TV Newsroom
Nature World Report   
Junior College   
Christian Science Monitor   
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Science World Report
World's New Tiniest Snail From Borneo   
Science World Report
Pictured are many of the new snails described in the paper. (Photo : Reuben Clements, Rimba). Researchers have discovered the world's tiniest land snail in Malaysian Borneo, according to a recent report. The new snail's shell comes in at just 0.50-0.60 ...
Malaysia is home to the world's tiniest snail   Nature World Report
Micro mollusk breaks record for world's tiniest snail   CBS News
World's smallest snail: A tiny mollusk with a 0.7 mm tall home   Christian Science Monitor
Pioneer News   
Northern Californian   
all 82 news articles »   

New photo shows the expansive dunes of Saturn's strange, hazy moon Titan   
Saturn's largest moon Titan is a hazy, cold and complicated world complete with lakes of liquid methane and ethane, a nitrogen-rich atmosphere and even hydrocarbon dunes. Titan's fields of dunes cover an area about the size of the United States ...
Scientists find hydrocarbon dunes on Saturn's moon Titan   ZME Science
Distant moon raises hope of finding alien life   Sydney Morning Herald
The Geysers of Saturn's Enceladus — New NASA Images   Steelers Lounge (blog)
Business Insider Australia   
Zee News   
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