2015年10月30日 星期五

2015-10-31 Ireland Health

Irish Independent
US family face three-month stay after premature birth   
Irish Independent
The American mother of a baby girl who was delivered prematurely at the Rotunda Hospital after she went into labour on board a transatlantic flight has held her baby for the first time. Share. Facebook · Twitter · Google · Email. Go To. Comments. Jenny ...
Baby born after plane diverted to Dublin 'in good health'   Irish Times
Aeroplane baby doing well in Rotunda Hospital   Newstalk 106-108 fm
Baby Zoe Ireland's mum reveals she has held little girl for first time as she ...   Irish Mirror
Irish Examiner   
KL.FM 96.7   
all 57 news articles »   

Irish Times
Baby cereal recalled after complaints over insects in packs   
Irish Times
A breakfast cereal for babies is being recalled due to a possible insect contamination. The recall of `Cow & Gate Sunny Start My First Banana Muesli' was announced by the Food Safety Authority of Ireland today. The company said it is taking the ...

Batch of children's muesli recalled amid fears of insect contamination   Irish Examiner
Cow & Gate recall baby food batch over insect discovery   UTV Ireland
Baby food recalled over possible contamination   Newstalk 106-108 fm
Irish Mirror   
all 17 news articles »   

Irish Independent
€70k hike in hep C award   
Irish Independent
The High Court has increased by €70,000 a compensation award made to a woman who was infected with hepatitis C through the blood product anti-D. Share. Facebook · Twitter · Google · Email. Go To. Comments. Mr Justice Bernard Barton increased an ...

Judge awards woman extra €70k for hepatitis C infection   Irish Examiner
Judge increases compensation for woman over hep C infection   Irish Times

all 6 news articles »   

Irish Independent
Scheme to offer HIV tests in cafes, bars and offices   
Irish Independent
People will soon be able to have a HIV test along with their cappuccino. Moves are under way to extend screening for the sexually transmitted disease to cafés, bars and even the workplace. Share. Facebook · Twitter · Google · Email. Go To. Comments.
National Sexual Health Strategy   Irish Times
Rapid testing service to fight HIV spread   Irish Examiner
Free HIV testing for Cork   Evening Echo Cork
Irish Health   
all 30 news articles »   

Irish Times
HSE takes steps to minimise chemotherapy delays   
Irish Times
A shortage of chemotherapy drugs, which has delayed treatment for hundreds of cancer patients, has forced the Health Service Executive to make contingency plans to minimise the delays. The number of patients experiencing delays in having chemotherapy ...

More patients suffer chemo delays following contamination   Irish Independent

all 2 news articles »   

Gracious Column
Disrupted Sleep Is As Fatal As Caustic Disease   
Gracious Column
Sleep is essential for a person's health and wellbeing, according to the National Sleep Foundation (NSF). Yet millions of people do not get enough sleep and many suffer from lack of sleep. For example, surveys conducted by the NSF (1999-2004) reveal ...
Think you've seen a ghost? Your experience might have a much simpler explanation   Irish Examiner
Vampires, ghosts and demons: the nightmare of sleep paralysis   The Guardian (blog)

all 5 news articles »   

Irish Independent
It is still okay to eat processed meat, says the WHO   
Irish Independent
The World Health Organisation (WHO) has been forced to issue a clarification saying it is not telling people to never eat processed meat, such as sausages and bacon. Share. Facebook · Twitter · Google · Email. Go To. Comments. It said a recent study ...
WHO clarifies its stance on meat   Irish Examiner
5 myths about bacon   Chicago Tribune
Bacon fans embrace the hog despite WHO cancer report, but futures take fright   The Straits Times
Live Science   
Los Angeles Times   
all 453 news articles »   

Yahoo News UK
People actually spend 5 hours a day staring at their phones   
Yahoo News UK
Smartphone users spend a third of their day using their mobiles, a study has revealed. The survey by Nottingham Trent University found that 23 participants within the 18-33 age bracket checked their phones about once every 10 minutes – up to 85 times a ...

and more »   

Irish Independent
Baby gets the gift of life thanks to pioneering surgery using parts of a cow   
Irish Independent
An tiny baby who has a rare condition was given the gift of life thanks to a pioneering surgery using parts of a cow. Share. Facebook · Twitter · Google · Email. Go To. Comments. The baby was born with Holt-Oram syndrome, a condition which often leads ...
Amazing: Here's how a cow's heart was used to save a little baby   Daily News & Analysis
Baby saved after doctors fix his heart with parts of a cow   Business Standard

all 10 news articles »   

Munchies_ Food by VICE
This Man Claims He Lost 24 Pounds On a Pizza-Only Diet and Says You Can Too   
Munchies_ Food by VICE
Have you ever looked up to the starry heavens and wondered why it's simply not feasible to live out the rest of your life continually embracing that doe-eyed seductress that is pizza while still retaining the majority of your appendages? Matt McClellan ...
What If You Could Lose Weight By Eating Pizza Every Day?   HungryForever (blog)

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