2015年5月17日 星期日

2015-05-18 Ireland Science

Irish Mirror
Impressive Amazon mast towers more than 1000ft over the rainforest - and is ...   
Irish Mirror
A new 1,000ft mast has been built in the heart of the Amazon rainforest to monitor climate change - and it's bigger than the Eiffel Tower and The Shard. The rainforest produces around half of all the oxygen in the atmosphere and the Amazon Tall Tower ...

Amazon rainforest climate tower is taller than the Shard and the Eiffel Tower   Daily Mail
Amazon Tall Tower Observatory gives scientists the big picture of the rainforest   The Independent

all 3 news articles »   

Pint of Science   
Salisbury Journal
Science... in a pub! Southampton academics are bringing their latest research to a pub near you as part of Pint of Science, the world's largest festival of public science lectures. Ever wondered how your brain stores memories? Could we survive a mission to ...

This event wants to bring Irish research to you while you're having a pint   The42.ie

all 4 news articles »   

Forget Cats And Dogs… It's Now Raining Spiders And We're Terrified   
In a terrifying twist to the regular weather report, one town in Australia is now experiencing rainfalls… of spiders. Residents in Goulburn, New South Wales said they were surprised to see the invasion of spiders, which were falling from the skies. Local Ian ...

Goulburn, Australia: It's Raining Baby Spiders, Hallelujah   The Inquisitr
Australian town caught up in curious 'spider rain' phenomenon   Digital Journal
Cloud of baby spiders blocks sky above Australian town   New York Daily News
SDE Entertainment News   
all 6 news articles »   

Newstalk 106-108 fm
Pics: SpaceX releases series of retro-styled 'Mars tourism' posters   
Newstalk 106-108 fm
We're still many years away from full-on space tourism, but the idea of a holiday on another planet is still a very potent dream for many of us. Step in SpaceX, one of the companies whose designs and technology are likely to significantly aid any eventual ...

SpaceX Treats Us To Retro Mars Exploration Posters   Ubergizmo (blog)
ISS Successfully captures SpaceX Dragon Cargo Craft   NBCNews.com
SpaceX Releases Posters of a Trip to Mars   NY City News
Gizmodo Australia   
DC Inno   
Techie News   
all 12 news articles »   

Sarah Brightman: Why has the singer's dream to blast off into space been ...   
That was the date an eight-year-old Sarah sat down with her father at their home in Hertfordshire and watched on the family's black and white television the astronauts Neil Armstrong and Buzz Aldrin take man's first steps on the Moon. The memory of the thrill ...

Singer And Aspiring Space Tourist Sarah Brightman Postpones Her Launch   io9
Sarah Brightman postpones space flight plans, cites personal family reasons   Market Business News
Sarah Brightman representative hopes some money paid for preparations for her ...   Kyiv Post
Washington Post   
People Magazine   
all 49 news articles »   

Sydney Morning Herald
Russia corrects orbit of space station after earlier error   
Sydney Morning Herald
Moscow: Russia's space agency has managed to restart the engines of the Progress spacecraft on the second attempt, and correct the orbit of the International Space Station. The manoeuvre was first tried on Friday - the botched restart is the latest in a series ...

Russia successful in second attempt to start Progress spacecraft   Bangkok Post
Aerospace Recap - SpaceX, Russian Rocket Woes, And A Mysterious Space ...   The News Ledge
Russia Rocket Fails In Siberia, Loses Mexican Satellite; Russian PM: Who's To ...   Yibada (English Edition)
Sputnik International   
The Moscow Times   
all 18 news articles »   

After 10000 years giant Antarctic ice-shelf will be gone by 2020, Nasa report says   
Antarctica's Larsen B ice-shelf is on course to disintegrate completely within the next five years, according to a new study by Nasa, the US space agency. The 10,000-year-old ice shelf, which partially collapsed in 2002, is “quickly weakening” and likely to ...

This 10000 Year Old Antarctic Ice Shelf Will Be Gone in Five Years   Motherboard
Massive Antarctic ice shelf has just a few years left, say scientists   Christian Science Monitor
Requiem for the Cryosphere: Huge Antarctic Ice Shelf Is About to Disintegrate   Newsweek
CNN International   
all 22 news articles »   

The Market Business
Four different quasars spotted in a different regions of universe   
The Market Business
Scientists have spotted four different quasars in different regions in the space. This is a rare discovery as it is a very difficult to spot even a single quasar in the space. Finding the quadrapular quasar has been surprising and an exceptional spotting for the ...

Astronomers find rare Quasar foursome, close to each other at the edge of the ...   Times Gazette
In a first, astronomers spot a quartet of quasars   Christian Science Monitor
Astroboffins baffled by QUADRUPLE QUASAR CLUSTER find   The Register
Astronomy Now Online   
Hindustan Times   
Tech Times   
all 82 news articles »   

Discovery News
Giant Squid Lore and Legends Date Back Centuries   
Discovery News
A giant squid washed up on New Zealand's South Island earlier this week, a specimen whose tentacles reached over 16 feet in length. It caused quite a stir when found, and was rescued from birds and other scavengers by a local museum. According to an ...

Giant squid with large tentacles found in New Zealand beach [Video]   The Next Digit
Giant Squid: New Zealand Sea Monster's Death A Mystery [Photo]   The Inquisitr
Giant Squid With 16-Foot Long Tentacles Washes Up On New Zealand Beach ...   Tech Times
Benchmark Reporter   
Times Gazette   
The Market Business   
all 96 news articles »   

Irish Examiner
Russian space rocket burns up after launch failure   
Irish Examiner
A Russian rocket carrying a Mexican satellite has malfunctioned shortly after its launch – the latest mishap to hit Russia's troubled space industry, whose Soviet-era glory has been tarnished by a series of launch failures. The rocket, a Proton-M, was launched ...

Russian rocket carrying Mexican satellite crashes in Siberia; authorities cite ...   Fox News
Mexican Satellite Launched on Proton-M Carrier Rocket Burnt Up   Sputnik International
Russia loses Mexican satellite after Proton-M rocket failure   Economic Times
The Sun Daily   
Times of India   
U-T San Diego   
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