2015年5月15日 星期五

2015-05-16 Ireland Science

Sarah Brightman: Why has the singer's dream to blast off into space been ...   
That was the date an eight-year-old Sarah sat down with her father at their home in Hertfordshire and watched on the family's black and white television the astronauts Neil Armstrong and Buzz Aldrin take man's first steps on the Moon. The memory of the thrill ...

Sarah Brightman Calls off Space Trip   Sudan Vision
Sarah Brightman postpones space mission   Washington Post
British singer Sarah Brightman defers space trip   Times of India
all 38 news articles »   

Las Vegas Review-Journal
Science Guy Bill Nye opens Kickstarter campaign for spacecraft   
Las Vegas Review-Journal
Bill Nye The Science Guy discusses oil spill science on CNN's John King USA. (CNN). image. By JILLIAN EUGENIOS CNN. In the future, humans may be able to sail through the universe to discover new lands, much like the early explorers on Earth.
Bill Nye wants your help going to space   TechnoBuffalo
LightSail Could Make 'Sailing' In Space A Reality   Afloat
Bill Nye wants to send this giant solar sail out into the cosmos   Business Insider
The Inquisitr   
all 6 news articles »   

New Timelapse Shows The Neptune System As Never Before   
Dwarf planets, comets, and asteroids are all the rage these days, but we shouldn't neglect our Solar System's outer gas planets and their moons. In this new NASA video, 70 days of Neptunian activity was compressed down to 34 seconds — and the effect is ...

Video: Kepler observes Neptune dance with its moons   Phys.Org
Space Oddity: Kepler spots Neptune busting groove (video)   Siliconrepublic.com
Watch Neptune and Its Moon Triton Dance in This Time Lapse by the Kepler ...   Popular Mechanics

all 6 news articles »   

Gazette Review
Moonfish is First Fully Warm-Blooded Fish   
Gazette Review
The moonfish, which is also known as the opah, is the first warm-blooded fish that has been found, according to a new study that has been published in the journal Science. The moonfish are high performance predators that have very good vision, quick ...

Warm-blooded fish shocks scientists   The Seattle Times
The opah is the first warm-blooded fish ever found   Daily Times
1st warm-blooded fish identified by researchers   KSL.com
Tech Times   
Washington Post   
all 259 news articles »   

Toronto Star
Canada: Pledge Sent to UN to Reduce Greenhouse Gas Emissions by 2030   
New York Times
Prime Minister Stephen Harper's government said Friday that Canada would reduce greenhouse gas emissions by 30 percent below 2005 levels by 2030. The government said it had formally submitted its target to the United Nations Framework Convention ...

Canada plans to cut emissions by 30% by 2030   TODAYonline
Canada's new climate targets draw criticism   National Observer

all 188 news articles »   

This Antarctic ice shelf could collapse by 2020, NASA says   
Washington Post
This story has been updated. It has been a really bad week for the ice shelves of the quickly warming Antarctic peninsula, the part of the vast frozen continent that extends northward toward South America. Earlier this week, we learned that the gigantic ...

A Large Chunk of Antarctica May Disappear Into the Ocean By 2020   TIME
NASA finds Antarctic ice shelf just a few years from disintegration   Sydney Morning Herald
One Of Antarctica's Largest Ice Shelves Heading For Collapse - Study   Design & Trend
The UpTake   
all 129 news articles »   

Remember #TheDress? Now MIT scientists use it explain why we see colours so ...   
It divided opinion and caused more arguments than any other dress in living memory. But scientists have concluded that a dress seen by some as blue and black and by others as gold and white was in fact both, depended on whether they spend their time ...

and more »   

National Post
'What a beast!' Aquarium shares photos of rare giant squid that washed ashore ...   
National Post
A giant squid was found washed ashore on a beach in New Zealand Wednesday and the aquarium staff now in possession of the corpse are really jazzed about the discovery. “A GIANT SQUID WASHED UP ON THE BEACH AT SOUTH BAY TODAY!
Massive squid washes up on New Zealand beach   WFLA
Kiwi Finds 23-Foot Long 'Giant Squid' Washed Up On A South Island Beach   International Business Times
Massive squid washes ashore in New Zealand   The Weather Network US
Huffington Post   
ABC News   
all 65 news articles »   

Khaleej Times
US company plans to fly first plane on Venus   
Times of India
WASHINGTON: A US aerospace company is planning to build an inflatable propeller plane that could fly through Venus's atmosphere in 2021. The ambitious project would see the plane cruise through the sulfurous skies of Venus for years, sampling the ...

First plane to fly through Venus in the offing   The Hans India
Northrop Grumman Making Plane for Years-Long Cruise in the Skies of Venus   NDTV
Company Update (NYSE:NOC): Northrop Grumman Establishes Science ...   Jutia Group

all 48 news articles »   

Tech Times
Gender Equality In Prehistoric Societies? That Could Have Been The Case For ...   
Tech Times
Men and women appear to exert equal influence in making important decisions among modern hunter-gatherer societies. What could this tell us about ancient human social development? This Agta couple lives in the Philippines. (Photo : Sylvain Viguier ...

Prehistoric hunter-gatherers enjoyed sexual equality, then farming changed ...   OregonLive.com
Why We Can Depend On The Kindness Of Strangers   NPR
Our Caveman Ancestors Probably Practiced Gender Equality   Slate Magazine (blog)
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