2015年5月15日 星期五

2015-05-16 Ireland More Top Stories

New York Times
Dzhokhar Tsarnaev Given Death Penalty in Boston Marathon Bombing   
New York Times
BOSTON — Two years after bombs in two backpacks transformed the Boston Marathon from a sunny rite of spring to a smoky battlefield with bodies dismembered, a federal jury on Friday condemned Dzhokhar Tsarnaev to death for his role in the 2013 attack.
Boston bomber given death sentence for attack on marathon   Irish Independent
The death penalty for Dzhokhar Tsarnaev is the right call as it shows the world ...   New York Daily News
Tsarnaev jurors reach verdict in penalty phase   Boston Globe (subscription)

all 3,032 news articles »   

Irish Times
Garda inquiry as girl (14) gives birth to second child   
Irish Times
Gardaí have launched an investigation after a 14-year-old girl gave birth to a baby. The baby is the girl's second child. Garda sources said she became a mother for the first time aged 12 years and again got pregnant about one year later. The girl, who is not ...

Fears 14-year-old girl first gave birth at 12 as Gardai launch investigation   Sunday World
14-year-old girl 'gives birth to second child' in Dublin hospital - report   Irish Examiner
Gardai launch investigation as 14-year-old gives birth to second child   Irish Independent
all 11 news articles »   

Irish Times
Dukes accuses finance official of making misleading remarks to PAC   
Irish Times
Former chairman of Irish Bank Resolution Corporation Alan Dukes has accused a senior official within the Department of Finance of making “seriously misleading” remarks to the Dáil's Public Accounts Committee at a hearing on Thursday. Mr Dukes, who is ...

Alan Dukes hits out at top Finance officials   Irish Examiner
Civil servant accused of "seriously misleading" the PAC   BreakingNews.ie

all 11 news articles »   

Irish Independent
Varadkar is frozen out of referendum debate, despite protests from RTÉ chiefs   
Irish Independent
Health Minister Leo Varadkar has been forced off RTÉ's final television debate ahead of next week's Open Gallery 2 Health Minister Leo Varadkar has been forced off RTÉ's final television debate ahead of next week's Marriage Equality referendum Sheila ...

and more »   

Irish Independent
Daniel O'Donnell: 'I can't see what a Yes vote is going to do against anybody'   
Irish Independent
The late Julia O'Donnell with her son Daniel. (Photo: Eoin Mc Open Gallery 1 The late Julia O'Donnell with her son Daniel. (Photo: Eoin Mc Garvey). Daniel O'Donnell has revealed that he will be voting 'Yes' to marriage equality in next week's referendum.
Daniel O'Donnell backs Yes vote in marriage equality referendum, claiming ...   Irish Mirror
Daniel O'Donnell backs a 'Yes' vote on same sex marriage   Belfast Newsletter
Daniel O'Donnell speaks out about the marriage referendum   Irish Examiner
Sunday World   
all 9 news articles »   

Irish Times
Seismic shift needed for No side to carry referendum   
Irish Times
The Yes side retains a commanding lead in the referendum campaign on same-sex marriage, according to the latest Irish Times/Ipsos MRBI poll, but the gap has narrowed since the last poll in March. When undecided voters are excluded, the poll indicates ...

and more »   

Irish Independent
Dunne loses Supreme Court bid to annul bankruptcy   
Irish Independent
Developer Sean Dunne has lost his Supreme Court bid to set aside his Irish bankruptcy. Ads by Google. Share. Facebook · Twitter · Google · Email. Go To. Comments. Mr Dunne, who sought to enter Chapter Seven bankruptcy in the United States weeks after ...

Simon Carswell: Dunne faces long battle in US as case rolls on   Irish Times
Dunne loses bid to set aside Irish bankruptcy   Irish Examiner

all 13 news articles »   

Irish Independent
Taoiseach calls for bank action on variable rates   
Irish Independent
Taoiseach Enda Kenny expects Finance Minister Michael Noonan to convey "very loudly" the Government's dissatisfaction with high variable rates. Ads by Google. Share. Facebook · Twitter · Google · Email. Go To. Comments. Mr Kenny described the refusal ...

Rising property prices threat to economy, says Government   Irish Times
Government 'scanning the horizon' for future risks   Irish Examiner
Govt publishes report on risks facing Ireland   RTE.ie

all 8 news articles »   

Irish Examiner
Public 'ignorant' of how obesity can cut life expectancy   
Irish Examiner
Obesity can reduce life expectancy as much as smoking, but most people do not realise this. A study has found widespread and worrying misconceptions of obesity that are costing lives in Ireland and Europe. A pan-European study involving 14,000 people ...

Most of us don't realise severe obesity is as dangerous as smoking   Yahoo News UK
Obesity could cost society $1 trillion   BenefitsPro
Europeans unaware about dangers of obesity   Techie News

all 16 news articles »   

Irish Times
Islamic State raises black flag over Iraqi city   
Irish Times
Islamic State militants raised their black flag over the local government headquarters in the Iraqi city of Ramadi yesterday and claimed victory through mosque loudspeakers after overrunning most of the western provincial capital. If Ramadi were to fall it would ...

Islamic State Raises Flag Over Ramadi   Voice of America
Riley: Latest ISIS advance in Iraq 'a huge setback'   Fox News
US 'expedites' weapons shipments to Iraq in wake of ISIS advances   CNN
New York Times   
all 492 news articles »   

